Tidy is a lightweight set of utilities for writing clean styled-components syntax in React.
Styled-Components is a CSS-in-Javascript approach to building components in React. I love the approach and use it in every React project I start. My biggest gripe is how clunky the syntax appears when passing props inline. Tidy simplifies the common prop scenarios to make CSS more legible. It also includes media helpers and mixins, and increases developer happiness.
- is
const Example = styled.div` ${is('enabled')` display: block; `} `;
- isnt
const Example = styled.div` ${isnt('enabled')` display: none; `} `;
- isAny
const Example = styled.div` ${isAny('size', ['sm', 'md'])` display: block; `} `;
- isntAny
const Example = styled.div` ${isAny('size', ['lg', 'xl'])` display: none; `} `;
- value
const Example = styled.div` width: ${value('size')}; `;
- swap
const Example = styled.div` opacity: ${swap('on', 1, 0)}; `;
- choose
const sizes = { sm: 10, md: 20, lg: 30, }; const Example = styled.div` width: ${choose('size', sizes)}px; `;
- over
const Example = styled.div` ${over('count', 420)` color: green; `} `;
- under
const Example = styled.div` ${under('count', 420)` color: red; `} `;
- between
const Example = styled.div` ${between('count', 5, 10)` color: red; `} `;
- rem
const Example = styled.div` width: ${rem(42)}; `;
- transparentize
const red = '#FF0000'; const Example = styled.div` color: ${transparentize(red, 0.5)}; `;
- opacify
const red = 'rgba(255,0,0,0.5)'; const Example = styled.div` color: ${opacify(red, 0.2)}; `;
- flex
// direction, align, justify const Example = styled.div` ${flex('row', 'center', 'left')} `;
- grid
// columns, col-gap, ?row-gap const Example = styled.div` ${grid(4, 10, 20)} `;
- position
// top, ?right, ?bottom, ?left const Example = styled.div` ${position('absolute', 0)} `;
Media Queries
- minWidth
const Example = styled.div` ${minWidth(800)` font-size: 1.5rem; `} `;
- maxWidth
const Example = styled.div` ${maxWidth(800)` font-size: 1rem; `} `;
- minHeight
const Example = styled.div` ${minHeight(420)` position: sticky; `} `;
- maxHeight
const Example = styled.div` ${maxHeight(420)` position: relative; `} `;