Doug Waltman

About Me

I was recently part of an unexpected massive layoff at Weedmaps, and am currently Looking for new opportunities.

I received my degree in Computer Graphics Design back in 2005. It turns out I didn't really enjoy designing as a full time job so I set out to become the best web developer I could.

My first "real" job was for a marketing company, where I learned Wordpress and was quickly building custom themes and plugins for clients. After a few years I decided to get into freelancing. I started a small software company with a few friends where I quickly grew into becoming a full-stack Ruby on Rails developer. I continued freelancing for about five years, all through the booming evolution of front-end frameworks.

Due to some painful, life changing events, I decided to move from Washington state in 2016, back my home in California. I have been working at Weedmaps every since, where I work with amazing people building remarkable products affecting positive change in the cannabis industry.

My focus is empowering my teammates to succeed. I love CSS, React, as well as roller skating, video games, and dad jokes.

Current Tech Stack

ReactNext.js, Mobx, Styled-Components, Gatsby
ToolingBabel, Webpack, Jest, RTL, Enzyme, Typescript, Flow, Storybook, MDX, Lerna, GraphQL
IntegrationCircleCI, Docker, Netlify, Semantic Release
ServicesStripe, Webtask, Mailchimp, Contentful

Back in the day

FrameworksRails, Angular, Ember, Backbone, Ampersand, Wordpress
ToolingGulp, Jasmine, Sass/Jade, RSpec, Browserify, Hapi, Sorcery
IntegrationHeroku, Harp, Apipie, Sendgrid, PostgreSQL
And even more than I can remember…